A warm welcome to our Association
Whether you love listening to this fabulous instrument or enjoy playing it, we welcome you to join us, the Suffolk Organists' Association. Each year we publish a Journal. We offer opportunities to visit churches throughout the county and further afield, recitals and lectures.
We offer bursaries and advice to those of any age who would like to advance their abilities with the instrument. Please note that the deadline has been extended for this year from 30 April so we will welcome applications from you for funds that would aid you in advancing your expertise.
Our Association reached its 90th Anniversary on February 10 this year.
This is a milestone of which all members past and present can be most proud.
Roger Pulham, our Treasurer, has recently learned of the death of John Norman, a frequent contributor to Organists' Review.
He writes: "I have just been informed of the death of John Norman aged 93. He was the organ specialist who had written many articles for various journals and magazines and whose family was the Norman of Norman & Beard the well-known organ builders of Norwich one of whose organs is in St. Bartholomew’s Church Ipswich. He gave several talks to the SOA on organ matters and was involved with the restoration of the Norman & Beard organ in Colchester Town hall. We heard him speak at the Royal Hospital School Holbrook and more recently at Christchurch Ipswich."
Thursday 13 February 2025 Visit to Bury St Edmunds Cathedral at the invitation of Claudia Grinnell, Director of Music and the Assistant Director of Music. Richard Cook.
Following Evensong at 5.30pm a number of members took the opportunity to play the magnificent Harrison and Harrison cathedral organ. The anthem for Evensong was 'I will lift up mine eyes' by Ernest Walker and the service concluded with an organ piece, Vexilla Regis by Everett Titcomb (1884-1968) played by the Organ Scholar, Matthew McVey. Read more in Recent Events
Dates for your diary:
The Yorkshire trip. This will start on Monday 10 March 2025 to Thursday 13 March 2025.
Andrew Garfath-Cox Hon. Web Administrator and a Past President